
Showing posts from June, 2021

Piece by Piece

Figuring out that the church was just something made up by an extra imaginative, and I dare say, narcissistic person is mind blowing, especially when you think about how long the facade has been going on for... and sadly is still going on. Knowing the problems with the church's history is bad enough, but realizing there are still MANY  problems going on today is also excruciating. During my time in the church I didn't know about most of these problems, as probably most of the members don't, however, there were things that bothered me, one of them being   Priesthood   authority. I was lucky to have had really good Bishops growing up and never had a problem with them... even my "worthiness" interviews as a teen were fine and I never felt uncomfortable. In fact, my Bishop at the time always reminded me never to let a boy talk me into something I wasn't comfortable with, which I thought was good advice. He would also always tell me what a good guy my dad was, I th

What About Us

 Life went on and things slowly got back to normal. We still had the same callings in church... Primary for me and Young Men's for Nolan. We attended church every week, and looked the part. We never really talked about the fact that Nolan didn't believe any of it. He loved the social aspect so he had no problem going with me. I think because we went together like all the rest of the families, I didn't let myself think about the fact that we weren't really  an eternal family... we couldn't be if Nolan didn't believe it. However, I do remember one day in Sacrament Meeting listening to a talk about Temple Marriage and Eternal Families and for what ever reason, it stayed on my mind that day. When I got home I must have had some time to think (yikes) because I started to wonder what was going to happen to me when I died and went to heaven. According to the Mormon narrative of heaven, and assuming I would be in the Celestial Kingdom, I wouldn't be with my parents