
Showing posts from January, 2022

Touch The Sky

Happy New Year! Although I'm always sad to leave the Christmas season, I welcome the chance for a new beginning and to make a fresh start. This year is already looking better than the last few, which is promising. In previous posts, I talked about how I ended up with a concussion after hitting a deer a few years back and had been suffering from headaches, neck pain, and dizziness ever since. This whole time the most I had gone without one of those symptoms was around 3 days, but I am happy to say I've gone pretty much the whole month without any of those symptoms... yay! During these last two years, I really wondered at times if I was ever going to get better, so this is a real encouragement to know that, YES, things will  get better, sometimes it just takes time.  On the other hand, some other things in my life are still up in the air. It feels like my life is coming together and unraveling all at the same time. I mentioned in a previous post that I was going back to school. I