
Showing posts from April, 2022


Well, it happened. I never thought it would, but, yes indeed, I had a Birthday... and I turned 50😲 50! What the heck! I thought I was used to the idea... I'd been preparing for it since I turned 40. Although, now that I think of it, all through my 40's... 42, 46, 48 etc... I remained shocked that I was actually 40. I remember someone asking me how old I was when I turned 43 and specifically saying I'm 40! 40!!! And then after I thought about it a minute I said, " Wait, I think I'm a little older than that" 😬... so being that preoccupied with 40 may have derailed my preparing to turn 50... no wonder I'm a little shocked. On the bright side, I'm kind of glad to be done with my 40's. They were rough... cancer, a car wreck, leaving the Church... these things will not be remembered as happy days. Ten years later I'm doing much better physically and mentally, however, other things are still up in the air. I hope it won't be too long before thin

Signal Fire

It seems that every time I'm in need of inspiration or something new to enlighten me, something perfect comes along. This time it was Martha Beck's new book The Way Of Integrity; Finding the Path to Your True Self.  For those of you who don't know Martha, she is the daughter of Hugh Nibley who was a Mormon apologist and BYU professor years ago. She too was a former BYU professor and received her PHD at Harvard in Social Science, and has since left The Church. These days she is a Life Coach and writes for  O Magazine. I figured that her new book might interest me since I happen to be an ex-Mormon and LOVE Oprah... and yes, it did interest me A LOT! In fact, it could be my favorite book. You know when something just resonates with you... when you read something and find that  this is exactly how I think! Martha, you and I are kindred spirits! I felt this same  way when I read Oprah's The Wisdom of Sundays, which consisted of many different spiritual leaders and their p