
Showing posts from May, 2022

Rewrite the Stars

Since I finished Martha Becks book The Way of Integrity  a few weeks ago I've been obsessed with finding the path to my true self ,  as Martha calls it. I've been trying to pay attention to everything in my life that's not authentically me and then trying to figure out how to shift my life so it's in line with who I am. Martha warns us that this won't be easy and she's right. With every realization and new truth that I come across, I hit an obstacle... okay, not just an obstacle, a mountain... a huge mountain!  I know Martha also said this would happen.... that people and culture and circumstances would get in our way... and tell us we can't do it and that we just need to   get back in line , sit down , and be quiet ...  I mean, who do I think I am anyway... leaving the Mormon Church, still believing in God, saying no to unhealthy people and relationships, and trusting that   My intuition  will pave the way? In the midst of all the naysayers a