
Showing posts from July, 2022

Build A Boat

Although I still feel like my world is spinning around me at times and I'm a helpless bystander watching it and wondering when it will stop, lately I have also felt a sense of calm. This has been since I panicked and had a meltdown when I realized I could control nothing  and had to let go and let God take over. That shift in thinking gave me a knew perspective and ever since then I have actually felt pretty calm. This is a whole new experience for me and I like it! Being calm in the storm, who knew that was actually possible? There have been many times in my life when things have been hard, even scary, however, I felt peace that everything would be okay. Even then, I still felt somewhat anxious and had to remind myself constantly that things would work out. This is different. The last few weeks I've felt calm almost the whole time. I'm realizing it's not a feeling I'm used to having.... especially under uncertain circumstances. I've decided I'm not going to