
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Climb

I listen to a lot of podcasts by Dr Ramini on narcissistic abuse and have learned a ton about what narcissism actually is. I began listening to her when my sister left her narcissistic abusive marriage and I wanted to know more about what she was going through. Since then I have come to realize I have narcissistic people in my own life.... we all do, however, I don't think most of us recognize that's what's going on. I also believe narcissism is a spectrum so some narcissists are more obvious than others. Dr Ramini explains it much better than I do, however, for those who don't know exactly what narcissism is I would say it's basically a person who needs constant admiration and validation from outside sources because they never learned how to get it from their own self-worth. They also never learned to regulate their own emotions so if things in their life are going okay they're not too bad to be around, however, if things are not going well they blame it on

Brighter Days

Since I finished my MA degree I've started putting my Daylight Coaching business together and no wonder God keeps reminding me to be brave and bold. It's not that hard so far, but honestly, I don't know much about the business side of things so I keep wondering if I'm doing everything right, or if I'm missing something. Every time I pay for something that I need to help me get started, I close my eyes, say a prayer, and just push submit! I know people do this all the time, but for me, this is completely out of my comfort zone. It's everything I can do not to think to myself, What do you think your doing? You don't know how to do any of this. This is way beyond your scope of expertise.  Then I think to myself, Your completely right! What AM I doing?  The only thing that keeps me moving forward is first... God told me to start a blog, and second... He got me through a Master's program in Life Coaching so He must have plans for me to do something with all