
Showing posts from November, 2022

A Little Bit of Faith

This past week I had an experience with my daughter that reminded me that as bad as things seem to be at times, things can always get better. My 17 year old is amazing! She's beautiful and smart and fun and kind... as most daughters are. She has been a straight A student her whole life and has been dancing and cheering since she was three years old. The straight A's come natural to her and she doesn't have to work that hard for them, however, as much as she loves to dance, being on the High School cheer team has taken a tole. She loves the girls and the coaches, but the stress of early morning practices, night practices, and the pressure of getting ready for competition season had became too much. In the last few months she had said a few times that it was getting overwhelming and would completely stress out the night before an early morning practice. Then this past Sunday she had a total meltdown from the anxiety she was feeling about the Monday morning practice coming up.