
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Lakes

Do you ever have one of those days... or weeks... or months... or years... when you're kind of  done with life as it is and you find yourself looking at your watch (or up at God) and wondering, "How much longer?"  How many more days do I have to go through until it's over? How many more difficult people do I have to deal with until I can be done? When can I relax without the stress, the pressure, the expectations and superficiality of society, the feeling that I should be doing more, or at least fitting in...  This is how I've felt lately... like I don't belong in this world of busyness, perfection, and chaos. But not to worry, I'm not saying this in complete depression or despair... it's said more with a long sigh, and I wonder how many other people feel the same. If we all got together, would most of us feel this way? What if those of us that felt this way could all move to an island together... or for me, I would prefer a lakeside village. Here we c