
Showing posts from June, 2024

Let It Go

Leaving a place you've been for over 25 years is surreal. And it's not just leaving a marriage, it's leaving a home, memories, all that's familiar. I always knew this transition would be hard... the girls growing up and moving on, but I never expected it to be like this. I pictured us staying together, and when the girls came back, they would feel like they were coming home. Now I'm leaving, and although my youngest is heading off to college soon, I'm wanting a place that they can come "home" to, but wonder if it will ever feel like that to them again... or to me.  I'm also realizing our new situation is now something everyone is going to know about. I honestly don't care if people know... divorce happens, things change sometimes, and it's definitely for the best, however, I also realize it's awkward, sad, and hard on a lot of people. It's something I can't control and I have a hard time with that. I always want everyone to be