Dear Reader

It seems the minute you enter the "Fearless" era you are given plenty of opportunities to show your courage, and I have to say as daunting as it is, it also feels empowering. I'm finding the trick to success is to stay as calm as possible, stick to the truth, and not care what anyone else thinks. I figure if your not doing anything wrong, telling the truth, and staying in your integrity, you have nothing to fear. I wonder if this is how David Nielson felt in his 60-Minute interview about being the whistle blower on The Mormon Church's use of tithing funds at Ensign Peak. I'm sure he has felt scared, lonely, and betrayed ever since his reporting in 2018. Nonetheless, his bravery has opened the eyes of many and made The Church somewhat more accountable for their actions. I'm guessing he has also, most likely, been scrutinized and under attack for telling the truth, however, he can rest assured he is, not only doing the right thing, but giving others the courage to do so as well. If I've learned anything since leaving The Church it's that the truth will come out one way or another... and, as Jesus said, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"...

I have yet to find a time in my life when I have told the truth, stuck to my values, and stood my ground, when I haven't been protected, felt more empowered, and yes, very free. I'm certain after all of this is over, David Nielsen will too feel empowered and free, and my advice for anyone still in The Church after this scandal is, "Never take advice from someone who's falling apart.... you should find another...." courtesy of TSwift.

If you've read other posts on this blog, you know I've had my own demons to conquer in the past, not only leaving the church, but in my own personal life, as I'm sure we all have. It's hard to learn these lessons and many times it seems like every time you turn around your world is flipped upside down again. I finally feel like I'm getting to steadier ground, but it's not come without heartache and loss. As they say, freedom comes with a price, but I dare say anyone who pursues freedom will gladly pay the price once they find out that it also brings true joy, love, and peace. I'm not quite there yet, but I'm beginning to see it and I'm learning how to get it. First of all, just being able to accept the truth and not being afraid of it is freedom. I think we kind of know the truth deep down inside anyway so it's usually a relief once we acknowledge it and have a choice in how to handle it. Also, being able to choose for ourselves is freedom... choosing our own values, choosing our own identity, choosing the people we have in our life, and choosing our own path. And lastly, not giving in to social pressures and being able to say, "That's fine for you, but that doesn't work for me" and not feeling guilty about it or worrying about what they'll think is too. One of my favorite quotes from Martha Beck asks, "Even if it feels scary, does it feel like freedom?" I think of this quote all the time now as I venture out on my own and find stability, and yes Martha, it IS scary, but yes it does feel like freedom...


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