This Will Be Our Year

I have to admit, as sad as it usually is to see the year end, I for one, am happy to see this one go and move on to the next. It actually hasn't been as bad as I thought considering my meltdown back in June when I realized I was going to have to stay in the situation I’m in for another year, but still, when it's time to move on it's hard to stay put. So even though the last 6 months haven't been great, they've gone by pretty fast and I'm looking forward to the New Year and hopeful that this next year will be a turning point and the start of a new chapter in my life. In the meantime I'm enjoying the Christmas season and took the opportunity to kick it off with a trip to Disney World with my sister, my niece, and my daughter for a pre-graduation trip, which was a lot of fun! 

Going with just the four of us was perfect and it was nice not having little kids (as cute as they are) to wrangle around. It was also easy running around the parks with just the four of us and coming and going as we please. We were pretty proud of ourselves for planning the trip, picking up the rental car, getting to and from the parks each day, and back on the plane in one piece. I'm sure this is no big deal for many, but if you knew me and my sister and our tendency to second guess everything, you'd be proud of us too for our accomplishment. 

Along with the joy of the trip and feeling empowered by working it all out ourselves, I am also immensely grateful that I was able to ride all the rides. I know this seems silly, however, after my car wreck with the deer 4 years ago, which caused whip lash and a concussion, I wondered if I would ever be able to ride amusement park rides again, and I have to say, I would very much miss riding those roller coasters since it’s one of my favorite things to do. I specifically remember wondering after the car wreck if I would ever be able to ride Expedition Everest (my favorite ride at the time) at Animal Kingdom again, and silently prayed that I’d get another chance. So to my glee and absolute surprise, I was not only able to ride that ride, but I was able to ride everything, including my new favorite Tron! I'm literally teary eyed just talking about it. I know there’s bigger things to be concerned about after you've had a concussion, but more than the thrill of the rides themselves, it was a wonderful reminder that things always get better and it's never too late to enjoy the things that genuinely make you happy. It feels like God’s showing me that life's not over, and there's more adventures to come.

I really wish I had a picture of me speeding through the universe on a Tron inspired motorcycle... wind in my hair... inhibitions gone... nothing but a huge smile on my face... but it seems you can't hold your phone and the handle bars of a motorcycle at the same time so I didn’t even try😁 The best I could do is a pic of me enjoying a ride through It's A Small World, which was equally delightful. So, may you also do something delightful in the coming year and let 2024 be filled with fun, excitement, laughter, and adventures. Here's to a new beginning.... This Will Be Our Year...

 "Took along time to come..."


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