Brighter Days

Since I finished my MA degree I've started putting my Daylight Coaching business together and no wonder God keeps reminding me to be brave and bold. It's not that hard so far, but honestly, I don't know much about the business side of things so I keep wondering if I'm doing everything right, or if I'm missing something. Every time I pay for something that I need to help me get started, I close my eyes, say a prayer, and just push submit! I know people do this all the time, but for me, this is completely out of my comfort zone. It's everything I can do not to think to myself, What do you think your doing? You don't know how to do any of this. This is way beyond your scope of expertise. Then I think to myself, Your completely right! What AM I doing? 

The only thing that keeps me moving forward is first... God told me to start a blog, and second... He got me through a Master's program in Life Coaching so He must have plans for me to do something with all of this. Besides, other people do this kind of thing right, so why not me? Not to mention, if I were a client of mine I would have complete faith in them knowing that they can accomplish whatever goals they set their mind to accomplish... so I probably should have as much faith in myself as I do my clients. So that being said, I made a Website, started a Facebook page, and ordered some business cards. When I was picking out the design for my cards the design I liked had a sunflower on it. I kind of wanted to change it to a daisy instead, because white daisy's are my favorite, but decided to wait a few days and think about it. The next day I went out to mow the lawn and back by my fence I noticed one single SUNFLOWER had grown seemingly overnight. The neighbors have sunflowers so I guess a seed had floated over to our yard and bloomed. I'm sure this was just a coincidence, but in all these years they've had sunflowers this is the first time that has ever happened SO I took it as a sign and left the sunflower as the Logo for my business cards.

Later on that day I googled what the sunflower stands for and found it means happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, and peace. It has the universal power to bring JOY to people and with its round face and bright yellow petals it resembles rays of sunshine. It sounded just like the perfect flower to symbolize Daylight so now I look at my new business cards and see the hope they instill. The hope for happiness, the hope for peace, and the hope for Brighter Days to come...

"I swear that love will find you in your pain..."


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