Ordinary Human

I watched the movie The Giver the other day and was reminded of how so many of us live our lives in a bubble without really knowing, or accepting the truth of what's really going on all around us. In the movie, Jonah, the main character, lives in a society where everyone takes a pill each morning in order to block out the memories of humanity's past and in order to control each persons emotions and tempers. This rule was put into place so that they could create a new society where there is no violence, hatred, disagreements, or bad manners. However, with this rule comes a limited knowledge of reality, control of every aspect of their lives, and little emotion.... oh, and did I mention everything is seen in black and white? In this society there is only one person who has all the knowledge of past and present, so when Jonah gets elected to be the new "Giver" or keeper of memories, he begins to see life the way it's suppose to be seen... the good, the bad, the joy, the sorrow, and all emotions in between. He also begins seeing life IN COLOR. In the end Jonah decides he doesn't think it's right for everyone to be forced into living in this bubble where nobody has a choice to experience life the way they choose to and leaves the society, which in turn, breaks the barrier that was holding back all the memories, and the people now knowing the truth, once again begin to experience life as it should be.

Sadly, it's not quite as simple for us. We can't just decide not to take a pill, or take the red pill, instead of the blue one like in The Matrix so we can see what's really going on... what the truth is. We can, however, be willing to open our eyes to things we feel deep inside are not right and want to know the truth no matter what. This may be a lie that was told to us in our culture, or society like in The Giver. Or it might come from a family member, friend, or spouse. It might even be something we keep telling ourselves that we know deep down isn't true. It's these lies, even if they come from good intentions.... though most of them don't... that keep us all from living the life we were meant to live. Martha Beck says that when we are not living in truth or not living out of our true nature, we are eventually going to be miserable. Martha also says that as hard it is to find out the truth at times, there is peace in it. There is also power in it and the more we become truth tellers, the more we will set ourselves free. I have seen this myself as I've learned the truth about myself, my surroundings, and the people in my life and culture. Once I get over the initial shock and heartbreak I not only feel a sense of peace, but I feel empowered. I think it's because deep down I knew this truth all along... we know the truth when we hear it... and now I know that I can trust that inner voice that's guiding me to a better life. 

Although it might be comfortable.... and probably easier to stay in a bubble where everything "seems" nice and happy all the time, I'm actually grateful for the truth I have come to realize in my life and now ask God every day to open my eyes to it... whatever it may be. I have found that this, for certain, takes me out of my comfort zone and usually turns me in a new direction. However, with each new turn, I am amazed that instead of loosing myself, I'm finding myself, and purpose comes into view. This I can see is leading me to a life that is more than just an Ordinary Human life.... and isn't that what we are all really looking for in the end...

 "Today I felt a switch in my veins..."


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