
To begin with, I wanted to explain why I chose to create a blog... 

It all began during the pandemic when I had a lot of time to think and realized my girls were getting older and would be spreading their wings and flying the coop before long. My oldest daughter was a 2020 Grad and my youngest daughter was heading into high school. With this realization came a panic of what am I going to do once they're gone? On one particular day when I was thinking about this, a thought entered my mind to Start a Blog. This came out of nowhere and was a complete surprise. A blog? I don't know how to start a blog. I barely know how to post something on Facebook and rarely do that. I'm the opposite of everyone else and Social Media terrifies me! You get the picture. So suffice it to say, starting a blog would never even occur to me. However, because I have learned to trust that voice that seems to come out of nowhere I sat down and figured out how to start a blog. 

The very next day a good friend, sent me an article from Introvert Dear, which she does often since we are both Introverts. This particular article talked about how, for introverts, writing can be cathartic. This seems funny to me because I have seriously been horrible with journal writing and always felt guilty in Young Womens since (as all of you Mormons know) keeping a history of your life is super important... or should be! However, because I had just had that thought about starting a blog I paid attention. Also, I do have to say that, as an introvert, my mind is constantly going round and round in circles trying to figure things out... like serious things... like...How did we get here? Why are we here? What is our purpose? How can we end world hunger? I'm sure if we all band together we can come up with a solution. I'll come up with a plan! So maybe writing things down could also help organize my thoughts...

This was exactly the advice from Introvert Dear, and what she also suggested was starting a blog. Coincidence? I think not. What are the odds that there would be an article on this very subject the very next day. So this confirmed my decision and I began to ponder on what I should  write about. The advice that was given in the article was to write about something you feel passionate about and at this time of my life what I thought about the most was why I left the Mormon church. I had many thoughts and some interesting experiences that led me out of Mormonism and on to something greater, so I thought this would be a good place to put it all down in writing. Because this has been a big life changer and something I DO feel passionate about, I named this blog Welcome to the Daylight to represent my life now after learning the truth and deciding to leave. I now feel free, the world seems bigger, and the possibilities seem endless. I'm also excited to embrace the God I feel like I've always known... a very different God than the Mormon God. I'm not exactly sure what this looks like, or where it's heading, but I'm looking forward to the opportunity to explore this idea without a religion telling me how to do it.

With every new experience in life I find God (or whoever it is) gives me a song to go with it. Since I've been creating this blog the song Daylight by Taylor Swift keeps going through my head "I only see daylight, daylight, daylight, daylight..." so this is the song for this post. I feel like it's a little bit like my experience, maybe you'll feel that way too. We all have our own life experiences and no two are alike... maybe you'll relate to this blog and I hope you do, but if you don't that's okay too. Either way, this is my story...  


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